Bicycle Touring

Stories from bicycle travels around the world. Supported by Vargo Outdoors

Obtaining Bolivia Visa in Cusco (updated 2023)


As of January 2018, Bolivia exempts 63 countries‘ residents from requiring a tourist visa. The list of citizens who are required to have a tourist visa can be found at the official website of the Bolivian Consulate. Like me, if you too are travelling to Peru before Bolivia, you can obtain the visa for free at Cusco, Peru.

Here is the list of things you will need to obtain a Bolivia Visa:

  1. Fill up the application form here and take a print out. (update- you can get the physical form at the embassy too for 10 Soles, but be prepared to wait for an hour)
  2. Carry 1 copy each of:
  • Passport
  • Credit card or bank statement,
  • Itinerary (printed document of the places you plan to visit with dates)
  • Hostel confirmation

3. Go to the embassy in Cusco at this location between 8am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday.

4. Obtain your 30 day Bolivia Visa for free in just 5–25 minutes.

I had read in several blogs that yellow fever vaccination card is mandatory to obtain the visa. This is not true. The proof of vaccination is required only if you plan to visit the affected regions, the list of which can be found here. Since I was travelling only to the unaffected places (Copacabana, La Paz, Uyuni), neither the Bolivian Consulate at Cusco, nor the immigration office at Puno asked for the vaccination proof.

Edit 14-Apr-2019: Lavi Tănase noted in the comments that the Bolivian embassy in Berlin wrote to her, “since 1 January 2017 the yellow fever Vaccine is mandatory in whole Bolivia” which is contrary to both what I experienced, and to information from Lonely Planet and Trip Advisor. Nevertheless, if you want to play safe you can get the yellow fever vaccination in Peru for $37 at Lima Airport, $30 at most hospitals or for free at Hospital Loayza.

Happy Travels!



Bicycle Touring
Bicycle Touring

Published in Bicycle Touring

Stories from bicycle travels around the world. Supported by Vargo Outdoors

Krishna Rao
Krishna Rao

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